Plan for Tomorrow but Live for Today

Personal Growth

We, human being kept ourselves engaged to make our tomorrow brighter despite the facts that we all know that futures are an illusion. To make our future cozy we are in the constant process of accumulation of all things and planning precisely, that can ensure to make our lives comfortable.

There is nothing wrong in planning and accumulations for tomorrow, but the obsession towards it is not good for the present moment. And moreover, in life the best things happen, when we least expect them.

Most of the people do not realize their goal just because they do not dedicate their attention to the present moment. They keep on making plan and live in the illusion of future. They do not realize that in order to achieve something in life, they need to complete each task at hand to pave the way to make dream come true otherwise it will only remain an illusion.

The problem with not being in the present moment is that, we seldom give value to what we have in life but always think of what is missing from our life.

In our daily life, we come across many situations for which we never had planned; not even in our dreams. Most of the situations come in our life without giving knock on our doors.

The law of nature is such that no matter how much precisely you plan; the situations in your life will never turn out exactly the same. You have to accept this fact with positive attitude to make your life happy, and you need to always keep in mind that what happens, happens for some reason.

Most of the time, the best thing in life of a person happens, when he least expect them. However, it does not mean that one needs not to plan and save something for tomorrow.

Life is a one way route; no one can take u-turn and go back in the past to make changes in the direction of their lives. That is why, planning is essential to give direction to life and the accumulated things will help as a resource to do work comfortably.

Hence, make plan and collect resources that will help you achieve your goal. But once you made a plan and figure out the road-map to reach the goal then you need to dedicate your effort to step by step complete the task for the realization of your desired goal in life.

In a nutshell, always keep in mind, just thinking about the goal or visualizing the fruits in the future is not going to take you to your desired goal. So, plan for tomorrow but live for today to enjoy the beauty, life has to offer in the present moment and at the same time to have something to feel good about tomorrow.